Understanding Encodings

Ezio Melotti

Something about me

  • Python Core Developer since June 2009
  • Python Programming lecturer at the Turku University of Applied Sciences
  • Presented several talks about Unicode and The development process of Python at EuroPython, PyCon FI, PyCon IT
  • Member of the Italian Mars Society

As Joel Spolsky said

"If you are a programmer working in 2003 and you don't know the basics of characters, character sets, encodings, and Unicode, and I catch you, I'm going to punish you by making you peel onions for 6 months in a submarine.

I swear I will."

Joel Spolsky, The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)

In a submarine...


by mnorri

...peeling onions


by वंपायर


  • Character sets
  • Encodings
  • Recommendations and common problems
  • Q&A

What is a Character Set?

A Character Set is a collection of elements used to represent textual information.


What is a Character Set?

  • Most of the Character Sets assign a number to each element - they are also known as Coded Character Sets




  • Limited to 128 chars (7 bits, 2⁷) -- not 256!
  • Includes the 26 letters of the English alphabet, the digits 0-9, and a few symbols and control characters
ASCII 0x00 to 0x7F

8th bit initially used for parity checking


  • Limited to 128 chars, English alphabet only
  • What about accented letters?

by Tracey Ullom

8th bit then used to represent more characters




8-bits Character Sets

ASCII, ISO-8859-1


8-bits Character Sets

  • 8-bit → 2⁸ → 256 chars: - all the 128 ASCII chars - + 128 more chars, for example:
ISO-8859-1 (aka Latin1) 0x00 to 0x7F (ASCII)
0x80 to 0xFF
 ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬ ¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿
  • Some accents are still missing, and what about other alphabets?

ISO-8859-* Family

ASCII, ISO-8859-1


ISO-8859-* Family

ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-5


ISO-8859-* Family

ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-5, ISO-8859-5


ISO-8859-* Family

1 Western European 9 Turkish
2 Central European 10 Nordic
3 South European 11 Latin/Thai
4 North European 13 Baltic Rim
5 Latin/Cyrillic 14 Celtic
6 Latin/Arabic 15 Western European 2
7 Latin/Greek 16 South-Eastern European
8 Latin/Hebrew  

Still not enough...

What if I want to mix русский and العربية?

What if I want to use ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ (inuktitut)?!



We need a better solution...

ISO-8859-* Family

ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-5, ISO-8859-5


Introducing Unicode



Introducing Unicode



Introducing Unicode

  • Unicode covers all the characters for all the writing systems of the world, modern and ancient.
  • Unicode provides a unique number for every character
    • no matter what the platform
    • no matter what the program
    • no matter what the language
  • The number is called "codepoint".
  • 1114112 different codepoints
    • U+0000 to U+10FFFF
  • Replaces hundreds of existing character sets


  • An integer in the range from 0 to 10FFFF
  • Expressed with the notation U+XXXX
  • For example 'a' → U+0061, 'ä' → U+00E4
  • Each Unicode character (e.g. ☃) has:
    • a codepoint (e.g. U+2603)
    • a name (e.g. SNOWMAN)
    • a category (e.g. So - Symbol, Other)
    • a block (e.g. Miscellaneous Symbols)
    • and other attributes

Unicode Planes

Unicode is organized in 16 planes, with 65536 codepoints each

  • Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP)
    • Plane 0: U+0000–U+FFFF
    • includes most of the commonly used characters
  • Supplementary Planes (non-BMP)
    • Plane 1 (U+10000–U+1FFFF): Supplementary Multilingual Plane
    • Plane 2 (U+20000–U+2FFFF): Supplementary Ideographic Plane
    • Planes 3–13 (U+30000–U+DFFFF): Unassigned
    • Plane 14 (U+E0000–U+EFFFF): Supplementary Special-purpose Plane
    • Planes 15–16 (U+F0000–10FFFF): Private Use Area

Unicode characters

Unicode U+0000 to U+007F (ASCII)
U+0080 to U+00FF (Latin-1 Supplement)
 ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬ ¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿
U+0100 to U+017F (Latin Extended-A)
U+0180 to U+10FFFF ...

How many characters?

512 chars per slide → 2175 slides to represent them all

How many characters?

512 chars per slide → 2175 slides to represent them all


by Ian Albert

Growth of Unicode on the Web (2008)


by Google

Growth of Unicode on the Web (2010)


by Google

Growth of Unicode on the Web (2012)


by Google

What is a Character Set?

A Character Set is a collection of elements used to represent textual information.


What is an Encoding?

An Encoding is a mapping from a character set definition to the bit sequences used to represent the data

Character Bit sequence Hex
'a' 0b01100001 0x61
'A' 0b01000001 0x41


Encoding: text → bytes

Decoding: bytes → text


Encoding types

Encodings can be divided in:

Single-byte encodings

  • Use only 1 byte, limited to 256 characters

Multi-byte encodings

  • Use more than 1 byte, and are divided in
    • Fixed width: uses a fixed number of bytes for each character
    • Variable width: uses a variable number of bytes

8-bits/single-byte Encodings

For 8-bits character sets, the terms "character set" and "encoding" might overlap

  • 256 possible chars, 256 values representable with 1 byte (8 bits)
  • Single-byte encodings
  • For example, ISO-8859-1 is both a character set and an encoding

Cause of endless confusions:

<meta charset="utf-8">

this should actually be called 'encoding'

Unicode Transformation Format (UTF)

UTF family: UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32

  • can represent all the Unicode codepoint
  • multibyte character encodings
    • UTF-8 → 1, 2, 3 or 4 bytes
    • UTF-16 → 2 or 4 bytes
    • UTF-32 → 4 bytes


  • always use UTF-8 for your data
  • default encoding in lot of places
  • if you don't know the encoding, assume UTF-8


UTF-32 is a fixed-width encoding

  • each codepoint is encoded with 4 bytes
  • not very memory-efficient
  • easier to work with (indexing, slicing)
Character Codepoint Bytes (hex)
'a' U+0061 00 00 00 61
'ä' U+00E4 00 00 00 E4
'☃' U+2603 00 00 26 03
'🀩' U+1F029 00 01 F0 29


UTF-16 is similar to UTF-32, but uses only 2 bytes

Character Codepoint Bytes (hex)
'a' U+0061 00 61
'ä' U+00E4 00 E4
'☃' U+2603 26 03
'🀩' U+1F029 ????

but 2-bytes are enough for BMP chars only...

UTF-16 - Surrogates

To represent non-BMP chars, a surrogate pair is used

  • two codepoints in range U+D800–U+DFFF combined to obtain a non-BMP char
Character Codepoint Bytes (hex)
'a' U+0061 00 61
'ä' U+00E4 00 E4
'☃' U+2603 26 03
'🀩' U+1F029 D8 3C DC 29


Surrogates are invalid in UTF-8 and UTF-32

  • they can't be encoded/decoded

Surrogates are valid in UTF-16 only if paired correctly

  • High-surrogate (U+D800–U+DBFF) + Low-surrogate (U+DC00–U+DFFF)
  • Low+High is invalid
  • Lone surrogates are invalid

Often they are ignored

  • while calculating the len of a string
  • while indexing/slicing
  • "FFFF codepoints are enough for everyone"

Many things break with surrogates


UTF-8 is variable-width multibyte encoding:

  • compatible with ASCII
  • 1 to 4 bytes
    • 1 byte for ASCII
    • 2-3 bytes for BMP chars
    • 4 bytes for non-BMP chars

UTF-8 uses

  • a start byte
  • followed by 0-3 continuation bytes

The start byte specifies how many continuation bytes there will be


Character Codepoint Bytes (hex)
'a' U+0061 61
'ä' U+00E4 C3 A4
'☃' U+2603 E2 98 83
'🀩' U+1F029 F0 9F 80 A9


Bit pattern Meaning
0xxxxxxx ASCII byte
10xxxxxx continuation byte
110xxxxx start byte of a 2-bytes sequence
1110xxxx start byte of a 3-bytes sequence
11110xxx start byte of a 4-bytes sequence

UTF-8 - decoding example

To find the codepoint, the bytes are converted to binary:

    0xE2     0x98     0x83
11100010 10011000 10000011
1110xxxx 10xxxxyy 10yyyyyy

The leading bits used to identify the start of a 2-bytes sequence (1110) and continuation bytes (10) are removed:

----xxxx --xxxxyy --yyyyyy
----0010 --011000 --000011

Divide the 'x' and 'y' bits and convert them to hex:

    0x26|    0x03

The values are combined to create the codepoint:

U+2603 = ☃



  • Decode early
  • Work with Unicode only
  • Encode late


  • use always UTF-8 for your data
  • never mix text and bytes
  • never mix encodings
  • never do text processing on bytes
  • always know the encoding

Encoding/Decoding - UnicodeErrors


UnicodeEncodeError: raised during encoding
UnicodeDecodeError: raised during decoding
>>> unistr = 'Minä tykkään Unicodesta!' # Python 3
>>> unistr.encode('ascii')
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character
  '\xe4' in position 3: ordinal not in range(128)
>>> bytestr = unistr.encode('iso-8859-1')
>>> bytestr.decode('utf-8')
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes
  in position 3-5: invalid data

Implicit Decoding on Python 2

Python 2 allows to mix Unicode and Byte strings:

>>> u'Unicode and ' + 'Bytes'
u'Unicode and Bytes'
  • sys.getdefaultencoding() is used
  • on Py2 sys.getdefaultencoding() == 'ascii'
  • if the 'str' contains non-ASCII chars the decoding fails
>>> u'Unicode and ' + 'ByteSnowMan: ☃'
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't
    decode byte 0xe2 in position 13: ordinal
    not in range(128)

Explicit Conversion on Python 3

On Python 3 text and bytes can NOT be mixed:

>>> 'Unicode and ' + b'Bytes'
TypeError: Can't convert 'bytes' object
            to str implicitly

Source Encoding

PEP-0263: Defining Python Source Code Encodings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
print u'This file is saved in UTF-8 ☺'

Related only to the text in the source file

  • not to the encoding that your program will handle
  • allows to insert non-ASCII chars in the source code

If not specified, the default is:

  • UTF-8 on Python 3 (PEP-3120)
  • ASCII on Python 2 (PEP-0263)


Mojibake (文字化け): "unintelligible sequence of characters"

NOT mojibake Minä tykkään Unicodesta!
UTF-8 showed as ISO-8859-1 Minä tykkään Unicodesta!
ISO-8859-1 showed as UTF-8 Min� tykk��n Unicodesta!
  • 8-bit encoding can encode/decode everything
  • UTF-8 uses '�' in case of errors

Narrow vs Wide

On Python <3.3 there are two different Python builds:

Narrow Wide
uses UTF-16 internally uses UTF-32 internally
2 bytes per char 4 bytes per char
sys.maxunicode == 65535 sys.maxunicode == 1114111
len('🀩') == 2 len('🀩') == 1
'🀩'[0] == 'ud83c' '🀩'[0] == '🀩'

Fixed in Python 3.3! Thanks to PEP 393

PEP 393: Flexible String Representation

  • Number of bytes per codepoint determined by the highest codepoint:
    • U+0000–U+00FF: 1 byte
    • U+0100–U+FFFF: 2 bytes
    • U+10000–U+10FFFF: 4 bytes
  • Uses less memory
  • Still fast (sometimes even faster!)
  • Same behavior of wide builds at Python-level
  • Backward compatible on the C-level (but you should switch to the new API)
  • http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0393/

The end

Questions? ☃